Purexa™ NAEX

Chromatography Membrane


Purexa™ NAEX
for Supercoiled pDNA Capture

A novel weak anion-exchange membrane chromatography product, Purexa™ NAEX has high binding capacity with targeted molecules. For pDNA, Purexa™ NAEX has a high conductivity and impressive recovery during the purification process while successfully removing unwanted impurities. Download Purexa™ NAEX Plus datasheet PDF →

Learn more about Purexa MCP.

How Purexa™ NAEX Works

The proprietary structure of tertiary amine ligands on the NAEX membrane binds plasmid DNA at selected buffer conditions and uses high conductivity conditions to release the DNA. Purexa™ NAEX offers consistency across flow rates and multiple cycles while offering:

+ Fast cycle times
+ Easy setup and breakdown
+ High throughput pDNA purification
+ Can be adapted for purifying viral vectors, vaccines, DNA, and proteins

Consistent Cycle Performance

(Buffer Condition:1M NaOH + 2M NaCl and the Testing Agent:0.1 mg/mL salmon sperm DNA)

Purexa™ NAEX can be reused over multiple cycles.


Purexa™ NAEX Products

We are currently offering the following form factors and volumes [below]. These products are available now for purchase on Shop or by contacting us at bioconsumables@donaldson.com
Larger scale and GMP ready products will be available soon.

Consistent performance
across flow rates…

Figure 1. DBC and Recovery data were collected by utilizing Purexa™ NAEX Prep with columns at multiple flow rates, 11kbp pDNA ran with K Acetate as loading buffer.

Consistent performance across plasmid DNA sizes…

Figure 2. pDNA sizes were tested with Purexa™ NAEX Prep with K Acetate loading buffer.

Consistent performance across multiple cycles.

Figure 3. A Purexa™ NAEX Prep column was reused five times with a proper CIP cycle between runs to show consistent pDNA binding.

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