Purexa™ Chromatography Membranes Now Available Online

We are pleased to announce that select Purexa™Chromatography Membrane products are now available to purchase online across the United States!


Products now available are suitable for early-stage research use. After over a decade of research, this technology has been invented with flexibility in mind and can easily plug into existing systems. 


Purexa™ PrA
for Antibody Purification

Purexa™ PrA
Available in many formats, you may purchase online: 96 and 24 Well Plates, Mini and Midi Column Syringe Filters, and smaller Cassettes.

This is our affinity membrane chromatography solution for antibody purification. By applying convection-based mechanisms and avoiding pore diffusion complications, Purexa™ PrA successfully separates target antibodies from residual DNA and host cell proteins.



Purexa™ OdT
for mRNA Purification

Purexa™ ODT
Available in many formats, you may purchase online: 24 Well Plates, Maxi Column Syringe Filters, and smaller Cassettes.

By utilizing affinity membrane adsorber technologies, Purexa™ OdT is a rapid mRNA purification tool that offers up to 10x productivity compared to traditional resins. This product successfully separates target mRNA species regardless of size.


Purexa™ MCP
for Supercoiled pDNA Polishing

Purexa™ MCP

Available in many formats, you may now purchase online: 24 Well Plates, Maxi Column Syringe Filters, and smaller Cassettes.

As the cornerstone of our pDNA purification offering, Purexa™ MCP is the first commercially available membrane chromatography product for the polishing of supercoiled pDNA from impurities.

If you are outside of the United States, please contact us as shipping is possible. Don’t see a size that works for you, talk to us.


On Demand Webinar on mRNA Purification from Purilogics by Donaldson


10x the mRNA Production with Membrane Chromatography